
Mr. Hands

Today is the day my sins finally catch up with me. I’m in the back seat, hemorrhaging blood across the leather upholstery, begging my friends not to expose me, and looking back on what led me here.

I guess it started with a finger. It graduated up to vegetables. Then toys. Piercings, tattoos, and alternative lifestyles.

I met the horse doctor at a club in Seattle, he was admiring my hat. He’s the one who clued me in to this way of life. In a way, he’s the Dr. Kevorkian of my fate.

I am successful and working for a good company. Every Monday I walk to my desk, stiffly, attempting to hide the weekend’s pains. My coworkers may suspect I’m strange, but they wouldn’t guess how strange.

We decided to film it, this time. We got the horse ready, I dropped my pants, and the horse’s cock would do the rest.

My God, the pain. The pain. I feel like my entire intestinal tract has been ripped apart. There is so much blood.

My family will know, my parents, my coworkers…

Please, no hospitals. Nobody can find out.

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