12 O'Clock TrainFrom Hattiesburg (5)
The boat was there,the bow knocking gently against the pier. I clambered aboard settling next to a cat on a wooden bench.
I could feel the clamminess and heat claiming me. Sand flies and
mosquitoes were also a problem
The trip was long. Eventually the boat glided into a cove . An oasis of sand and everglades far as the eye could see.
The pervading smell of rotting flesh from the fish carcases on the beach was gut turning
The thing about bunyips is they are big lumbering blobs of blubber. Like whale blubber only not as tough. They had been hunted for centuries by our tribe for their hide. It was so light and colourless allowing our clan to be invisable by wearing clothes made specifically from their hide. Now with the animal liberation coming to the fore they had procreated so rapidly the Everglades were going to perish unless they could be stopped from multiplying. But bunyips were not real (well in a sense) the population had no idea what was destroying their precious wetlands.