What Has Broken Can't Be Fixed
And so they don’t. They continue on with their lives, knowing she is falling apart, but neither caring anymore.
To their friends, they seem the ever happy couple, not a care in the world. But underneath, they both know it will eventually end. Who talks about it first will be the surprise.
On a cold, rainy evening in November, things finally break apart. After one of their ever increasingly violent fights, he’s sitting downstairs enjoying a beer. She’s upstairs, nursing her wounds. Something snaps and their lives are never the same.
He’s ruminating on what has led them to these all out brawls almost everynight when it gets hard to breathe. Gasping for breath, he falls forward, smacking his head on the table.
And while he labors to take his last breaths, she stands there smiling. Enjoying the moment on the outside, but inside, weeping for the loss of herself.