

Ahh, the perfect little garden to play with my creations. I think I’ll go have some coffee.

They ate the Apple! But I told them not to! That’s it, I don’t have to take this. Off to Earth, with you smartasses.

Someone bought donuts?

Oh shit, I leave for five minutes and the bastards are building a giant tower to heaven. I better fix that.

Mmmmm, cheerios. Nothing like a good bowl of cheerios to get the day going.

Are you fucking kidding me? Raping angels? These Sodomites are out of control. Can I not take a break here, people? I wonder what this fire and brimstone button does.

Feels good to kick the old feet up, you know? Take a little break.

Now it’s everywhere! There’s a handful of non-bastards on the whole planet. I’ll fix them. Everyone but this family of non-bastards. Let’s see what this water symbol does.

Oh, lord. They’re all going to be inbred now. A whole species working with a handful of genetic stock. I need a cigarette.

“God!!” oh shit oh shit oh shit, it’s my boss.

“Yes, boss?”

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