I have to point out that there’s a problem with continuity, in that the previous episode established that the protagonist has never used the gift to help people before, whereas now suddenly he has done so often.
Somewhat ironically, the reason I wrote that the character hasn’t helped people before is that I thought this would make it easier for people to write sequels. I reasoned that if he’s inexperienced at using his own gift constructively, then he’s free to experiment within the fantasy, not knowing from experience what is useful and what is futile. I thought this freedom would make it easier for people to write sequels, giving them more room to play. I think that was my only reason for that decision.
I’ve made my share of continuity errors on Ficly, such as changing the protagonist’s girlfriend into his wife in A Matter of Priority (Ficly #4350). I just misremembered when I was writing it. It’s easy to do.
There are still things here that I don’t understand, but perhaps you can explain.
The main thing is, how can a person leave their own mind? There are two reasons why this doesn’t make sense to me.
First, if you could leave your own mind, wouldn’t that mean that you don’t have a mind anymore, and therefore, you’re dead?
Second, and perhaps more critically, in a sense you are your mind, so how can your mind leave itself?
If you’ve got some theory of how it all works that answers these questions, then I’m sorry, but I don’t think you’ve explained it very well.
(Note that we know that the woman and the protagonist are not the only people on the boat, because she says “none of us” know where we are, implying there are others.)
(yeah I didn’t focus on the others, let the inexperienced boy figure it out! let him focus on each one as time goes by, let him look for the ‘exit’)
I was thinking it was more of like a dream, or out of body experience, where the mind takes a journey. The thread, the exit, the way out, is the subconscious tie to the body, his body, in the real world. It’s a connecting of minds, getting into someone’s head. I’m thinking of this as, seeing other people’s dreams. Stop being so literal, zerrakhi! lol.
When you said that sometimes they leave with him, my thought was that this meant they left the troubled part of their mind, since he was there, of course, to help them… except that there were some he couldn’t fix. The woman in this made me think of a lucid dreamer, except in this case she would be a… lucid thinker? whatever =]