The Landing Party of Two.
“Scouts. First to die.”
Webster hated scouting. He was stuck with the blue circle on his shoulders at all times as scouts do. No helmets, light armor and bullshit SMGs with light rounds. Ever since coming into scouts, he remembered their unofficial motto.
It was easy for Command to have any kind of problem. All they do is send in scouts, and if they turn out dead, then Command acts on survival terms for the rest. Either it’s fine or it’s not, and the scouts get to determine that with their lives.
“Scouts. First to die.” The motto ruined the fun because it was true.
Oswald hasn’t heard it yet because he’s a repair man for the scouts. Heavy tool box built into his front waist, pistol and blue circles. He’s content with his first mission but innocent.
Webster realized he was agitating himself before the solid black door leading into the station they came for. Three months without a word.
Oswald noticed a pause.
“I have to be.”