The “Mothers, fathers, teenagers” sentence is a run on and should have semicolons instead of commas between the independent clauses. In fact, it the whole thing could use more semicolons in place of the commas, but since it is written as a stream of consciousness, it isn’t glaringly obvious.
The story has a nice overall flow, and has some great insight.
wow, thankyou guys :) i agree with all your comments, and thanks for the welcome :D and Paige Leigh, thanks for pointing that out i’ll try change it now :)
I really enjoyed reading this story. I think that you have a real flare for writing and look forward to reading your other work. Well done, keep up the good work!
aww these comments are warm. :) Sometimes we just write anything just to write and practice the art. I feel like you are stretching your wings here, and I want to encourage you to keep doing it. Ficly is a great place to practice. This piece makes the reader think about those mundane things, those stories of others. are they really routine people, or do they let down their hair when no one is looking?
wow, that’s like how I think about people lol. I took a picture of this businessman on his cell phone in the city and started to wonder about his life. It’s really amazing.
Elliot Mason
Anonymous writer
Paige Leigh
Mostly Harmless
Anonymous writer
Anonymous writer
Red Cherry
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Raegan Dauterive
Anonymous writer
Anonymous writer
Anonymous writer