
Hunter: Tests

Amy and I stared at each other for a minute, then at the freaky teachers. I tuned them out and focused on Jason. What the hell is going on? I thought, and obviously they were mind readers, because they anwsered. Weeeeeeeeelll. How do we say this… They had no time to anwser me not so random question due to Doc coming over, gripping Amy and I’s upper arms, and guiding us out of the room by force. The instant the door shut behind us, someone else had grabbed us and held us still quite forcefully, and Doc jabbed us with needles. The last thing I remember was Doc saying, “Get them to the exam rooms, now, before they wake up. We’ll inform them both when we get there.” But everything faded away.

I caught flashes of the exam room in my head, metal tables hooked up to a giant machine. Giant creatures in cages too small for them, and, most prominently, Jason and Mack and Tim’s voices. All were clearly unhappy with this new arrangement, but they, like I, could do nothing about it. But for very different reasons.

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