

I continued walking through the woods, somber leaves getting lost in my shadow- I let them. It was time. It had been time for a while now. I called out the master’s name, my voice echoing through the high and mighty trees. A wind caressed my hair gently and removed it from my shoulders onto my back. I shut my eyes, hoping that when I reopened them I’d see the one I’ve longed for. I opened them slowly and looked around but saw no one and nothing. I was now standing in the middle of a white room. I began walking, trying not to panic. This has happened before, on my way to the woods. I was in a similar white room, but last time I was far more nervous- I was just beginning my journey through the unknown. The unknown is terrifying, especially when you have given it excessive thought. It becomes a mind-disease, occupying your every thought, your every action. But its not really the true unknown because by definition no one really knows what that is to begin with.

Anyway, I decided that if I shut my eyes once . . .

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