
Personal Assistance

“Cindy, bring me a chinchilla.”

Cindy sighed as the intercom next to her bed snapped to life. As the personal assistant to Rupardt Heldt, she was used to random requests. “It’s 3AM, sir. We’re in Toronto. We can’t get a chinchilla right now.”

“But my movie is incomplete without a chinchilla! Who do we know?”

“Sir, pet stores will open within six hours. Can you wait?”

“Gonzalez. He would be able to open a pet store for us.”

“Sir, as chief of police, I’m sure he could, but only if there was a crime being committed within. Please, just wait.”

“What about Golden? Does he own any pet stores?”

“He owns half of downtown, but the space is leased from him.”

“But he would have keys. Get him on the line for me.”

She flopped back into her pillows and waited three minutes, “Sir? Golden didn’t answer. Shall we wait for the morning?

“Never mind, I’ll just use a lemming.”

Sighing, Cindy snuggled back under her comforter. Then her eyes snapped open and she slapped the intercom, “Sir? Where’d you get a lemming?”

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