Sell Out
The lowest common denominator in call center life is desperation. If these people could do anything else, they would. Dawn was a classic example. She’d been working in call centers so long that she thought it was normal. She’d never once asked herself, why haven’t I advanced in ten years at a job that promises advancement within six months?
Joe asked this question daily.
“Sell out,” Dawn said as they sat down at their cubicles. “I take you under my wing. Show you all the tricks. And you make a joke at my expense. You’re such a sell out.”
Joe used one of those tricks when he plugged in to take a call. Call avoidance: the first rule of survival in call center life. He dialed an automated system and pretended to take a call, so he could finish his conversation with Dawn.
“Sorry, Dawn,” Joe said. “But you know I’ve had a crush on Julie since last shift bid. Besides, it was just a joke. You know I love you.”
“I’ll forgive you this time,” Dawn said. “But if it happens again, you’re a dead man walking.”