Firstly, I could NOT sleep until I wrote this. It haunted me, I had to get it down. Secondly, I kind of went through the anger to mourning phase twice, once in telling you, and once in the inner monologue. And that bothered me at first. However, when I was tossing and turning, I went through this part many times. So I am leaving it in twice. I would have liked to describe it more or put the parts together, but it was also a cycle before I resolved that I was the kind of “real friend [who is] willing to intrude, so I push in ’cause I want to love you well” (Toby Mac)
interesting take, barti.. the narrator could return with the ax, not remembering they had been there before and what had happened… okay that is me mulling this over…
wow, gas suicide now.. this piece really was vague enough to give each of you your own interpretation, none of which were quite like mine.. that is so awesome! I declare it ART!