

A celebrated group of highly respected intellectuals had finally achieved their goal. The human race would spread out among the stars, finally freeing themselves from the Earth. Humanity would relieve the pressure of overpopulation through Generation Ships.

The United Nations, won over by brilliant turns of speech and a simple “eggs in one basket” metaphor, coordinated a massive effort from all member nations. The nations with veto power would each get a single massive ship, while being bound to contribute towards hundreds of smaller UN ships.

The ships were all purpose built for the successful colonization of their destination planets. Self-sufficient, self-sustaining, and loaded with supplies, each ship could float among the stars for thousands of years. They stored terraforming equipment, agricultural supplies, and millions of people living under strict population control measures.

At the end of their journeys, generations later, the Exiles began their lives among the stars.

And the Earth forgot.

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