
Tangerine Butterfly

Feeling a bit lonesome she leafed through her envelope of origami paper. She hadn’t talked with her one friend in weeks, & it had taken a slight toll on her mood. The only thing she could do to take her mind off her troubles was fold origami: butterflies, mostly, but in dark, morose colors. But their light, airy forms lifted her spirits a little.

She reached for a sheet in her favorite shade of navy, but she found none. Her fingers first found a sheet of sunny tangerine. It lightened her just to look at it. Time for a tiny change of pace, she figured, & slid it out of its place.

With each fold her mood brightened as the tiny butterfly took shape between her fingers. It reminded of her friend, all the conversations they’ve had over the time they knew each other. She creased the folds with an utmost tenderness, a small smile beginning to grow on her face.

When it was finished she cradled the butterfly in her delicately cupped hands. “If only I could send this to you,” she whispered, “even just to say hello.”

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