

Janie is 15 years old! She will be 16 in a month. You could say Janie has always been a green person, she will clean up outside whenever possible but she does not go crazy. She goes to a small school named Wikiwah Science High school in Florida. Janie has always been a fun happy person. But she always attracts drama.

5th grade Many Haper had made fun of 1 of her best friends because she was def. So Janie had Talked to Mandy. Well at that time Janie did not know that Mandy’s mom was president of the PTA so Janie got in big trouble. For once in Janie’s life her mom came to her school to fight for her.

6th grade Zoey Gasher got mad at Janie for no reason. Janie then stood up for her self she was not going to let some short ugly fat mean bitch step on her! Which got Janie sent to the Principal. Zoey’s mom was rich and paid the school not for Zoey to get in trouble. So Janie did.
to be continued….

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