

It was raining cats and dogs. We had no option but to abort the nature trail and find a shelter. While we were frantically looking for some closed shelter, a hut appeared almost out of nowhere , a few steps from where we were standing.
Had we waited to consider the sudden appearance queer, we could have saved ourselves further trouble.

Anyway, we sprinted in desperation towards the hut and did not find the door with strong bolts weird. We got in and bolted the door shut. It was locked.
We didn’t realize that we were stuck in, with no help around us on that marooned hill.

As we started exploring the small looking hut we found that it kept increasing in space. We never seemed to have explored it entirely. Were we moving in circles or was this an illusion. We kept moving in the hope of finding an end to this exploratory task. In the end we gave up.
We decided we needed rest. We lit a small fire in the amazingly huge fireplace in the small hut and slept..only to awaken to…

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