
Postcards from Long Ago 11

I calculated this in my head… 9×.08… that’s 0.24… x10… that’s 2.4 milliliters flying out into the air. I figured that could kill thirty people instantly and start spreading. And, if the explosion was bad enough, it could cause the ammunition stock beside her to explode too. I saw her banging the gun against her hand, not realizing how delicate those darts are. She yelled out an expletive as she slammed the gun against her knee one last time. I screamed, and, dubbing her hopeless, I jumped into the escape tube and was sent into 23.16 University, an underground Sporad shelter. And that’s when the dart inside was pierced, and the highly concentrated Sporad, diluted with water, exploded and was sent through the airwaves all across the world. Two loud explosions were heard all across the earth.

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