
Teenager-- Power

A snarling grey wolf, a huge snarling grey wolf now stood at my side. I recognized him immediatley. He was my new boyfriend, Jakob, and he has no reference whatsoever to Twilight.

I winked at him, and nodded. Together we began to circle the single teacher. I didn’t notice that Edward had burst a guy into flames or that Danny was mauling another guy. But not with his teeth. Danny may’ve been a vamp, but he was a vegetarian. Blood splattered the walls of the detention room, making it look like it had been freshly painted red. What I did notice was the guy running out of the room with my crazy brother chasing him. Jakob lunged for the teacher, as I bolted out the door, tackling Sawyer. Sawyer turned to me, the force of his eyes making me slam against the wall. I howled in pain, just now remembering Sawyer’s power. His was mind control, telekinesis, telepathy and mind reading. He has a lot of power.

And he doesn’t even know it.

A teacher rushed up to me, and began to drag me somewhere. No clue where…

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