
I'm (obviously) in as well!

A challenge! Fantastic! Why didn’t I think of creating a challenge for this?

I originally got the idea to create a new Ficly every day of 2010 when a group of friends were talking about 365 projects. Some were going to attempt to take photos every day, some were planning to create some piece of art. I wanted to write. However, with my busy, hectic life (full-time job, wife, three kids, various other responsibilities, OY!) writing would have to be done in small, bite-sized chunks. I immediately thought of Ficly.

I’ll be periodically blogging about my adventures in daily Ficly-ing over at my blog, where I also keep a page collecting my published stories at I also tweet links to all stories on Twitter using the hashtag #Ficly365.

Good luck to all the participants!

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