
Her Letter

Would that you and I could sit and talk. I feel as though I could spend hours just listening to you. Yet it isn’t mere curiosity of what the future holds that would have me hanging on your words. That you could read my letter and not call me foolish or disparage me for such thoughts shows that you are a man of kindness and understanding.

Is it just my fancy that you would treat me as an equal? So many of the men today distain a woman’s opinion. Yet I don’t believe that our creator made us inferior to the male in intellect. God made woman from Adams rib, so that we may stand at his side, and not from his foot so that he may tread on us, nor his head so that we may be set above him. I hesitate to say that aloud in public, yet it makes so much sense to me that I feel it must be said. I pray I haven’t offended you.

I long to have someone to open my heart to, and to have them open theirs to me. Am I foolish? To long to love someone you have no hope of ever meeting, with an insurmountable gulf between us.

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