
Monster 3

I know it’s kind of wierd that I watch that man’s bible so much. But I can’t help it. At first I would only watch on accident. You know, like if I looked outside and caught a glimpse of it. And then I would look everytime I heard his front door open. And eventually I had seen that bible so much that I had constructed a schedule of when it should leave the house.
Toby, and my friends call me a creep. Well, if you can even call them friends. There more of just people passing by. Using me for something or another. A place to stay, a hot meal, a safe haven from the cops, and sometimes they ask for even more. And just like my neighbor, I say yes everytime.
See that’s something we have in common. Me and that man, I mean. We always say yes even when our hearts tell us no. I know we are the same in this way because I’ve seen it so. I’ve seen him say yes, especially when it came to situations involving her.

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