
The Brightest Hour is Just Before Dawn...

Giggling insanely, the three Howard children made their way down the basement stairs.

“It’s only 5:00!” protested Alvin, the oldest, but the others could see that he was just being responsible.

“Are you SURE it’s down here?” whispered Patsy. “What if-”

“No. Mommy wouldn’t move it,” Kayla assured her. “Trust me. Every eighth birthday, you’re supposed to put the cake in the basement so-”

Alvin appeared irked as he brushed a cobweb, allowing it to float to the filthy brick floor. God, he hated that floor. Hadn’t remembered his slippers this time- he could already feel the blisters.

“Are you SURE Mommy won’t mind if I eat it right now?”

“Shut up!” Kayla laughed, amicable and light.

“Of course she won’t mind. Eighth birthdays are special occasions, remember Dodo…?”

“Stop talking about Dodo,” admonished her brother, leaden-voiced, and with good reason. If Kayla had been eight also, then she must understand what that meant. It was more than a stupid cake. God, he hated them all. When dawn struck the earth-

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