
The Confessions of a Former Prostitute

A year ago my life was a complete and utter mess. I was a prostitute with no future, no friends and I had never loved anyone. I gave my body up for sex, and dealt with the consequences. I went to Hell and back, and I think God’s done it for a reason. To show me I had all the power to destroy or put together my life. I chose put together.

“Aiden, my little angel, come on. We’re going to the park,” I say to my little baby as I pick him up from his crib. I’m living with Mary still, but I’m saving up to live on my own. Being a bartender isn’t that bad of a job, especially now that I’m out of high school. I get to spend all day with my baby boy and work when he’s asleep. I’m truly happy.

Ethan calls me every once in a while, but I don’t answer. I need all my time for little Aiden. I want to raise him with all the love and compassion I never got.

I walk out the building and a guy driving by, beeps and yells,

“Hey, MILF!” I pop him the middle finger.

“Fuck you!” I yell.


I haven’t completely changed.

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