
A Tale of Time

Time sighed as he looked down at the two teenagers arguing below him. He watched as the girl went from hugging the boy to slapping him, after he said something in her ear. He looked on as the boy blustered a protest, which the girl ignored as she walked away.

Time couldn’t believe he had let things go so completely wrong. “Stupid teenagers,” he thought, “always letting things out of their control. Always messing up all of the time.”

Nevertheless, Time loved these two teenagers, and he wanted to help them. And so he sat on his golden timeless swivel chair and thought. He must have sat for a long time, but time doesn’t matter for Time, because all time is relative when you are the King of Time.

Anyways. Finally, Time came up with an answer. And as you might have guessed, his solution had something to do with time.

So Time sat back in his golden swivel chair and rubbed his hands together. He would fix this. It was only a matter of time.

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