

We had made it. Lost a few good men, travelled through the extremes, almost given up but we made it. As we came closer, a strange feeling came over me, like a tugging almost. I was fatigued but I trudged forward, leaving my team behind me. We were in this large valley, just plains and plains of grass and empty space. Inertia had gotten a hold of me and I had broke out into an adrenaline fueled run. I approached the edge and skidded to a halt. I peered over the rocky cliff and saw nothing. Just…space, empty space. A void almost. I look up and what I see suprised me more than anything else. A mirror image of me, looking up at me. I stared for a while and eventually stood. I stepped a little further and reached out. The other me reached as well, but froze. I watched confused. The Other Me shouted something, and pointed behind me. I glanced over my shoulder and saw my team. I look back and the Other Me shouted something again, his voice lost over the void. I focused on his lips and realized what he said.

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