
Dogfight (Challenge Repost)

“This is Rider 1 to Rider Squadron, please report”

“Rider 3 to Rider 1, my scopes are clear. There’s nothing out here”

“Rider 6 to Rider 1, I’m all clear. Can we go home now?”

“Haha, once Big Bird gives us the all clear, we can hightail it back. I’m nearing bingo fuel anyway. Hey, Rider 12 you gonna report?”

“Yeah my scopes are clea….Holy shit! I’ve got a flight of bandits on the deck bearing two nine five at Mach 2!”

“Rider 12, say again. Do you have bandits on your scopes?”

“Negative 1, but I have a visual! They’re too low for radar!! They’re heading for the Olympus!”

“Roger that! This is Rider 1 to Rider squadron, we have enemy bandits on the deck bearing two nine five, break formation and engage at will!”

“Affirmative Rider 1, Rider 3 moving to engage”

“I have a lock, Fox 2, Fox 2!”

“Yeeha! You got him 6!”

“They’re breaking formation! Stay with your wingman and gun them down!”

“Dammit, I’ve got a tone! He’s on my six, I need cover!”

“Copy Rider 7, I’ve got him!”

“Shit! Fox 3, Fox 3!”

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