
The Training

The kid woke to a high-pitched “woowoowoowoo” that made him jump off the stained couch in a cold sweat. The old man grinned and clicked off the tape recorder. “Good. You’re ready for your first day.”

“What do I have to do?”

The old man took him to the screen door at the back of the house. “See those boulders in the backyard?”

The kid nodded.

“Take this sledgehammer and break every one until it’s just fine gravel.”

“But what does this have to do with…?”

“No questions! Just do it!”

The kid worked past lunch without food, his clothes covered in sweat. A MIDI soundtrack played in the background. Finally, the field was covered in rubble.

“Keep going!” said the old man when he stumbled out. “Smaller! The little ones are worth the most!”

The kid never complained. When the sun was setting, the old man checked again.

“So, what’s so important about this game?”

“There’s going to be a tournament,” the kid said. “There’s this girl…”

The old man snorted. “Come get food. Tomorrow you start on clay pigeons.”

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