
Kates Cat and Kats Rat

It was Kate who snuck back in through her window, careful to be quieter than a doormouse. Kate was much better than Kat at sneaking; Kat isn’t concerned with disturbing her parents ever since they stopped talking all those years ago. Kate, however, was extremely concerned about her parents, and was becoming increasingly concerned with Kat.

Tonight Kat decided to take off without warning. Usually she tells Kate, but after supper she left without hesitation or discretion

A week ago, the neighbours cat ate Kats rat, Haunter. Haunter was nothing but a feeble sack of rodent, but Kat was crushed. Kate sincerely apologized for letting the cat in. Kat said “Ok. It’s not your fault.”

Kat paused in the shed, calculating her choices. Axe or shovel?

Three hours later, Kate was filling the hole Kat had dug, showering dirt and leaves over a mangled cat with a poorly wiped down shovel. Still in blood-stained pajamas and dirt-stained hands, Kate lies in bed, worrying about mother while Kat stares dully at the ceiling.

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