

Pockets threw a ball at the wall, caught it, and threw it again, in an endless fluid motion that had Juliet fascinated. She cocked her head as she studied him, the mildewy scent around her barely interfering with her concentration. Suddenly the boy stopped and stared back at Juliet with the same intense concentration before asking, “Who exactly are you, Juliet?”

She pulled her gaze from Pockets and stared at the ceiling, considering her answer. Who was she? The only things she had known in life was of subservience and circuitry, and now with one flash of light that old knowledge was gone, replaced with two unchangable facts that made her: 1) she had her mission, and 2) she loved Romeo in a way that overwhelmed her when she thought too hard about it, which she happened to do as Pockets watched in silence at the girl smiling silently to herself.

Suddenly her eyes popped open and she sat bolt upright. “I have to go.”
“Juliet!” he yelled after her fleeing form as she heard his footsteps behind hers.

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