
WHAT THE WHAT?! (Superhero Black Hole, part 94)

Another bombshell dropped, and another pregnant pause.

I broke the silence this time.

“Excuse me?”

“Well, dude,” Zoe said to me, “from what you’ve told me about this bitch – and believe me, you’ve told me a lot about her – I’m surprised that you’re surprised that this might be something she’d do.”

“Letrodacta destroying the world? Plausible. Letrodacta destroying me? Almost definite. But Letrodacta destroying the entire freakin’ universe? I…I…I dunno!”

Al stared at me with those pale green – and apparantly partially mechanical – eyes as he carried on talking.
“From when I come from, Letrodacta is one of the most authoratative members of our government. She is who sends out the infiltration teams into the Past to eradicate uncontrollable time travellers who have come from our time, after the accident that caused this all to happen. But she is not just ordering their destruction. She is also creating them.”

“Creating more of us? That’s never going to end well,” I said.

“Correct,” replied Al.

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