
Soft Serve

“Don’t get mad at me Zev…I bought it out of the back of a floater.”

“YOU DID WHAT? her husband exploded, “You don’t know where this charger has been! Chargers are supposed to be leased from the Network Ora, may Your God be with you!”

“I know what I’m doing—

“Ora, your standard unit is fried. It’s been degraded, every synapse is singed.”

“I have to remove this spare” Ora huffed in agitation,“I’m a sentient graduate, don’t talk to me like I work on some factory line. You may be certified in hardware, but my specialty is softies…Hook me up now, Zev.”


“Then get me a hand mirror, my clasp is rusted shut.” Ora’s headaches were getting worse, the throbbing would echo for days.

Zev looked at his wife quizzically, “Haven’t you been taking your oil showers? Is that why you’re rusting?”

Dora stood and entered Zev’s electrical field, angry static rained from her tips. “You’re being too perceptive; you’ve downloaded Suspicion software! Did you try to hack into my brain? What’s really going on Zev!”

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