

His smile as he wakes you up in the morning. The last few moments in bed, laying your head on his chest. Cooking breakfast together in a cramped kitchen. Meandering through the neighborhood while walking the dog. The ease of conversation. Swinging in the park. The comfortable silence while you read and he plays video games broken only by warm glances across the sofa and small pleasures aching to be shared. The gentle touch of his fingers on your face after a kiss as he pauses for a moment to take you in. The way he effortlessly selects all your favourite things in the grocery store. Sharing ice cream straight out of the container. Cuddling on the couch watching a movie, the quality of which doesn’t matter. The weight of his arm as he wraps it around you before falling asleep.

Maybe happiness is allowing these moments to mean more than an awful day at work, traffic during the commute, or his dirty clothes strewn about the room. Maybe happiness is simply the sum of all Sundays.

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