
Primetime Pre-Prequal: Batman Streaks Back

Greek row was filled with students yearning for a well-deserved break from their jejune responsibilities. Alpha Alpha Alpha, the most elite of fraternities at Ball State University, was holding a party in honor of local philanthropist Bruce Wayne. Because of Bruce Wayne’s good work as the CEO of Wayne Enterprises, he had won the hearts of everyone in Muncie, a mere six miles from Gary, Indiana.

“This party sure will do Mr. Wayne proud!” exclaimed Jimmy Olsen of the Daily Planet. “I’ve bought just about every keg that can be found within the county limits! If Mr. Wayne isn’t as proud as Mr. Kent was a few years ago when Alpha Alpha Alpha held a banquet in his honor in celebration of his return to Krypton I don’t know what I’m gonna do!”

“Hold your horses, Jimmy.” A smartly dressed, strapping young mang of about 24 years approached confidently. His hair was greased back and his suit looked smashing in the sunlight.

“Who do you think you are?” Jimmy asked the strapping young mang indigently.

“Peter Parker.”

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