
A Quick Disclaimer (Superhero Black Hole, part 108)

OK, dear Reader: before you start criticising us for the increase in bonkersishness that has gone on the up as Superhero Black Hole (a title that Zoe still detests, even though she’s a Muse fan, too) has continued, I want to make some things perfectly clear about the world of time-travellers (who shall henceforth in this chapter be referred to as “Us”).

Parallel universes do exist.

Time travel is nonsensical, and privvy to very few rules, as it turns out.

J.J. Abrams is not like Us, but happens to be extremely adept at guessing things.

There really really really is no highly convenient deus ex machina.

The Bermuda Triangle has nothing to do with Us.

Those times when you’re trying to find a thing (car keys, credit card, etc) and it’s nowhere to be found, and then a few minutes later you find it in a place you swore you looked in before may have something to do with Us.

But the point is this:
It’s all pretty gorram ridiculous in our world, but your world is pretty gorram ridiculous too…

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