
Shaken to the Core

I was walking through the mall when I recieved the text message. I read it. And then I read it again slowly, one word at a time. The entire message consisted of two simple sentences that crippled me.

You once told me that you would always love me. I’m ready.

Although the text was from an uknown number, I immediately knew who it was. She was the Girl of My Dreams, the One that Got Away, or more simply- the One. Neither my first relationship, nor my last, she was the one that stayed fresh in my mind as all others faded into the obscurity of What’s-Her-Name. Even when I had given up on her and told myself to move on, a part of her always remained. Now she was ready.

I groaned as my heart suddenly lurched to one side.

People began to brush past me like I wasn’t there. Gradually, I found myself on the outside of the flow of people leaning against a glass pillars for support. I gripped my mobile so tightly that the edges dug into my hand.

All I knew was that I couldn’t go home until I figured things out.

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