
question words

what do i do now
when they’re gone
when i’m gone
when i’m done
what do i do
what am i supposed to do
where am i supposed to go
how do i escape this pain
how can i stop it
when i don’t know
where it’s coming from
what do i do
when i can’t help but feel everything
what do you want me to do
when you take away everything i use to numb the pain
what do you expect me to do
when i won’t let you anywhere near my feelings
what would you do if i cut myself again
what would you do if i drank
would you be happier if i did that or
would you rather i do something worse
where should i go
where is it cold
where is it dark
where is there quiet
where is there peace
where is there nothing
where is there home
what has all of these things
what, besides drugs and death
where else do i turn to
where else do i go
when nothing helps
when nothing stops
when i feel so many things
when i didn’t want to feel anything in the first place
when i would rather bleed than pretend to smile for

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