
Living Room

“I know right?”
“Maybe I should film Waffles doing stuff like this. But Brian was like, ‘No. It would just be twenty minutes of meowing.’”
“She just sets up the camera-?”
“I wonder how much boring footage she gets?”
“This is the most he moves. He falls asleep – watch – he falls asleep with the toy in his mouth!”
“He just does things, like chilling in tiny cardboard boxes. Wait, this next one is so funny, here, let me try to find a best-of video. Stop it, Jill, you’re getting on my nerves. That’s what reminded me of it, the picture of the cat upside down. Oh, or you could not be loading…”
“Jill makes a good headrest.”
“Is she asleep?”
“I got a lot. Wait, yeah, I know what to do.”
“I am totally out of ammo.”
“I am totally going to kill these guys.”
“The music is so funny!”
“Aw! Look at us! We’re heavy weapons dudes.”
“Weapons what?”
“Weapons lock, it means theres a turret over here.”
“I’m checking over here – Laser!”
“Can we take it down?”
“Not sure-”
“Do they have a sniper?”
“You can’t look down…”

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