
Pump House Bridget

Tadpoles sent rings of ripples across the surface of the water, skimming along shaded shallows. I just wanted to cool my feet after so much walking, but I’m afraid of fish, so I hovered on the edge, wondering if I could shoo them away long enough to step in. Jennifer caught me waggling a sandal at the water.
“Lose your balance or something?” she put her hands on her hips.
“Don’t fall in.”
Her expression was half covered by large sunglasses, but even in this heat she managed to look glamorous. I resisted the urge to lick my lips. They would get chapped, and I wouldn’t feel any less thirsty. I caught up as she reached the bridge. The others waited beyond the heat waves on the other side.
“You can’t cross here!” came a shout.
“Why not?” Jen returned, a hand on her hat.
“This is our bridge, use your own!”
There was general laughter at that. Jen frowned and kept walking, without me.
“Come on, Bridget. Don’t let them bother you,” she called back.
It wasn’t that. My name was carved into the wood at my feet.

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