
Maxwell's Silver Bullet (6)

I am not a morning person. I have never been a morning person and I have no plans to ever BE a morning person. My idea of heaven is to crawl between the sheets around two or three a.m. after partying my but off, or reaching the conclusion of a challenging project. Clearly, sleeping till noon is necessary, if not required. I did manage the three a.m. bed time – barely. However, the real world does not work on my schedule.


Ignoring the voice, I pulled the pillow over my head.

“Come on Charlie, we’re going to be late!”

There was a brief moment of silence, followed by pounding on the door. Then the doorknob rattled.

“Oh for heaven’s sake! Anyone would think you wanted to keep your own mother out of your room!”

I waited, knowing she wasn’t finished.

“Fine. I’ll be late anyway, I have an appointment.”

Her high heels clicked down the hall and the front door slammed.

Peace, finally.

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