
Ode to the Ipod

A cold, quiet Christmas
Found me, a hermit, content
Happily cowering in the cave
Created by the absence of light
In my room

But the piercing glare of a light, bright
Would be excessive
A curse
I held in my joyful palms
All the light i would need
For now

The black, box, body,
Marked with a seal
La pomme
My fingers gingerly sliding
Across the perfection
Hesitating to open the box,
Expose the ipod
And shatter the magic
But i did.

And in doing so
Broke the tradition of waking, jarred
To discordant buzzing
Instead, to a sweet aria
Daring me to move

I bid farewell to the dry-erased
That was my former life
And instead
Let the melodic poetry unceasingly
Splatter the rainbow on my ears
My soul

Forever whispering in my ear
The moment of its birth
But not yet erased
For the catalyst
I still hold
In my hand today

Constantly bettering,
Taking the me within myself
Making it sentient
And beautiful

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