
Lisa's Letter Paradox

Year 2256 – Geneva
Cole stepped off the hella-pad into the New Harvard Institute of Quantum Research. He’d gotten the call from Harold Goddart that he’d received an urgent message from 2009. Cole had left his apartment before the Goddart’s face had blipped from the Wave.
Harold Goddart, the Scientist, stood with a letter in his hand, preserved in hydrophalene wrap.
“That is the important message?” Cole was surprised. “Since when are we using paper again. Hasn’t been used since the early 2100’s,”
Harold handed it forward, “Just read it you arrogant ass!”
Shrugging, Cole took it and gleaned over the soft curvy scripture. At first the words appeared as a blur in his mind with only one word screaming out from the page.
“Is this a joke?” Cole was shaking.
“No. Phaedra Palin of the archeological institute found it at a dig in Montana (or what used to be Montana).
Cole swallowed, and trembled some more. “I miss her, terribly, Harold,”
“I know, son,” the elder-man said, “But, what if we can send you back?”

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