
The Stevens Estate

The Stevens estate was spacious, but not overwhelmingly huge. The main house, along with the staff’s quarters, was built into the side of a hill. A neat hedge ran as a fence up near the street, leaving a space for the path and sloping lawn leading down the hill to the house. Despite the shadowy reputation of the Stevens name, particularly that of the younger, the residences of both the family and the staff were clean and elegantly simple. There wasn’t a blemish without to betray the peculiar atmosphere within.

A visitor to the Stevens estate would first take note of its size. It was by no means a tiny house, but in comparison to some of the other houses in the nearby country it was fairly small. The main portion of the house sat behind a large, hospitable porch, flanked by four columns ascending to the pitched roof. Large windows sat behind and between the columns. Two small wings graced the side of the house.

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