
The Moon Does Something To Us All

Even as I exit the house in the utter black of the night, I can see fine. Even though a full Moon shone down upon my furred back, it mattered not, for the night was black. I am a werewolf, and yes, I am in wolf form. My friends are all around me— the various therianthropes, the shapeshifters all in various Shifting stages and in various stages of undress. If you’re one of us, you are used to it…

Then there are the few who feel the pull of the Moon, even though they themselves are not shifters. We call them, ‘fazers’. They act just like we do on those Moon nights. I feel bad for them, they not abled to be a creature of the Moon, a sibling of the Night. But they feel like they are one of us— I do not pity them for that, because, who wouldn’t want to be? But then…

There are the terrifying cases of those we have had to put down. Put down? In this case, it means drugged and locked in a cage for any period of time. It means you are an exile in your Pack. An exile is never a good thing, as I have learned…

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