
Silently Screaming Eyes

The car was sitting on its side in the rain-filled ditch. I could hear a horn blaring, the engine wheezing, exhaust pumping into the air as the tires squealed against the mud. The car fought to move like a turtle on its back while I stood transfixed, not knowing what to do. What could I do?

A cough and painful grunt emitted from the wreckage. My senses snapped back to me as I realized the driver must have made it. I ran over, slipping and almost biting asphalt on the rain-slicked road. The horn cut off and the engine quit revving. Glass crunched as something tried to move inside. I could hear a woman crying softly as she tried to find the way out.

A hand stretched through the shattered window and the woman slowly pulled herself out. She saw me then, while turning to climb free. Blood ran down from an empty eye socket.

“Help me,” she cried. “He’s still in the car.”

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