
A Bad Time for Anything

“Don’t drink it,” I responded, waving my hand dismissively.

“That’s a shame,” Smith said, then gestured at a chair. “Before I start, you might want to sit down.”

I looked suspiciously at him. “…why?”

Another strained smile. “Just entertain me, please.”

Sitting, I glanced at Boss. “What’s this about?”

“Just let the man talk, Brenner.”

Smith let out a self-conscious cough as I began to stare at him in expectation. “Recently we came across a document that revealed the existence of a certain man who knows information that we need. You and I are going to be retrieving him.”

“That’s too simple to need two people, what’s the catch?”

Smith paused, but continued with a nod from Boss. “There are people who want him very, very dead, so he’s taken refuge in Underlevel.”

I stood up suddenly, then sat down again. “No,” I blurted out with a desperate look at Boss. “No one ever comes back from Underlevel. Comes back alive. This was not part of the contract.”

“You’re the best, Brenner. We need you.”

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