

Hello! I’m Acantha :)

Most of my writing focuses on fantasy and science fiction, and I tend to write things that are a little out there in terms of accessibility. Sorry for that :)

Outside of writing, my hobbies are baking, reading, crafting, and gaming (both the video and the pen-and-paper variety). My favorite authors include Robin McKinley, Umberto Eco, Neil Gaiman, and J.R.R. Tolkien, plus many, many others. I’ve been told I read too much for my own good, but I’m of the belief that you can never have too much to read :)

I used the same pen name back on Ficlets, in case you’re wondering!

Can I just say how great it is to be back? Because it really is great. I missed this place so much.

Thanks for reading!

Stories (12)

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