The Ficly Server Support Project
I’m not exactly sure how to start this, but here I go anyway. Ficly’s now been live for about two months – and the response has been amazing. I couldn’t be happier with where we are with the site or the plans we have to make things better. I think you all know the story behind Ficly’s creation, so I won’t bore you by repeating it. This isn’t about the past… It’s about the future – and I need your help.
Ficly isn’t backed by a big company. It’s back by two guys with day jobs and a passion for writing and community. There are costs associated with keeping Ficly up and running – which I’m fine with paying, but I wanted to see if you guys would help shoulder the burden. It’s not much.
I started a project on Kickstarter. Think of it as a pledge drive, just like on Public Radio – but without the constant interruptions or awkward video of volunteers manning a phone bank. My goal is to raise $800 in the next month – which will pay for Ficly’s hosting for the next year – both co-location and the storage we’re using on Amazon.
There’s no threat that Ficly will go away if the pledge drive fails. I’ll still pay the bills. I just want to see if you’d be willing to help. The minimum pledge is $1, and if we don’t get enough pledges to cover the $800, then no one’s out any money.
If you could take a couple minutes to check out the project on Kickstarter and give what you can (be sure to check out the rewards – and I even made an awful video), I’d appreciate it.