
SpecArt Storytelling

My birthday is coming up. February 2nd, to be exact. And guess what? I want stories.

So here’s what I want you all to do:

1. Go to this website:
2. Find a picture that inspires you.
3. Write a ficly about it and submit it to this challenge.
4. Once you publish your ficly, copy and paste the link to the picture as the first comment on your ficly.

It shouldn’t be too hard to find a picture that captures your imagination.

Your story doesn’t have to be limited to one ficly.

Also, if you can, please link to the picture’s website rather than linking directly to the picture. (This won’t always be possible, but it’s good if we can see who the artist is.)

For example, you would link to this ( instead of this (

Alrighty then! Have at it!

Challenge Winner

Challenge Entries