
Crisis on Infinite Ficly Challenge!

Two separate story archives…two separate worlds, separated from each other only by the thinnest of walls: the characters “ficlets.” in the URL. What if they were somehow…thrown together? What chaos might result?

Here’s your challenge. Pick a number between 1 and whatever the latest ficlet number is (just click on the top story in the “Recent” column to find that number). Use a random number generator, your birthday, shoe-size, whatever. Go to that ficly-ficlet by clicking a ficlet then changing the URL.


Now open a new tab, copy and paste the URL in, and add “ficlets.” before “ficly”.


Write a new ficlet crossing over those two ficlets! After it’s posted, add a comment with the URLs of the two ficlets you crossed over.

If the archived ficlet is a Challenge, write a sequel to the ficly ficlet that also conforms to that old Challenge (if possible).

Be creative, and let the worlds collide!

Challenge Winner

Challenge Entries