
Inspiration Challenge

In view of the fact that, annoyingly, Ficly has no inspiration yet, I have decided to create this challenge.

Step 1: Pick a number, any number. For your sake and for sake of time spent on this part of the challenge, you might want the number to be below twenty or thirty.

Step 2: Go to Google Images, and type in the search bar:

inspiration pictures

Nothing else, mind you.

Step 3: Scroll through the many pictures and count (going right to left, horizontally) them all until you get to your number. There! That’s the picture you’ll be writing a ficly about and entering in this challenge.

Step 4: Make sure, at the beginning you have the site of image. Btw, it would be helpful if, when you click on the image from google, you click on the box it makes up at the top of the screen “see full sized image” because then we don’t have to search for it. Thanks!

(Note to all you writers: DON’T CHEAT and just pick whatever picture you want! NOT COOL, BUD!)

Step 5: Have fun.

Challenge Entries